How to use electric fishing reels?

Elevate your fishing game with the sleek efficiency of electric fishing reels. Perfect for the deep-sea enthusiast, these reels automate the hard work, letting you focus on the thrill of the catch.


Electric fishing reels

Fishing has undergone a profound evolution through the ages. From simple rods and lines of ancient times to today’s advanced equipment, progress in fishing technology represents the pinnacle of human creativity. Leading these innovations are electric fishing reels, which redefine convenience and efficiency for anglers worldwide.

Electric fishing reels represent a revolutionary step forward in fishing technology. Designed to automate much of the physical effort required in reeling and to handle the demands of deep-sea fishing, these reels are increasingly popular among all levels of fishing enthusiasts.

For beginners, the allure of electric reels lies in their simplicity and effectiveness, making them an excellent choice for those who are still learning the basics of this sport.

Electric reels are particularly important for potential buyers who may be considering whether to invest in traditional manual reels or embrace new technology. Electric reels offer numerous advantages, including the ability to catch larger fish and endure longer fishing sessions without fatigue, which can be crucial for anyone serious about fishing.

In this blog, we will explore everything you need to know about electric fishing reels, from the basic mechanics to maintenance and usage tips. Whether you are a beginner eager to make your first purchase or an experienced fisherman curious about the latest equipment, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make the most of your fishing adventures.


What is an Electric Fishing Reel?

An electric fishing reel is a technologically advanced tool designed with an integrated motor that streamlines the winding and unwinding of the fishing line, offering a distinct edge in diverse fishing scenarios.

Unlike traditional manual reels that demand consistent manual labor, electric reels utilize battery power to aid in pulling in the line, proving invaluable particularly in deep-sea fishing where targeting large game fish is common.

1. Basic Mechanics of Electric Fishing Reels

At the heart of an electric fishing reel lies its motor, typically powered by a rechargeable battery that may be built-in or externally attached. This motor directly drives the spool, facilitating smooth and uniform line retrieval.

Anglers can adjust the speed and power of the retrieval through control buttons or a dial on the reel, providing precise manipulation of the fishing operation. Some models boast programmable settings tailored to different fishing conditions and species, thereby boosting versatility and efficiency.

Electric reels incorporate standard components found in all fishing reels, such as a drag system that regulates line tension to prevent breakages during intense fish fights. The integration of electrical components, however, introduces advanced features like automatic jigging and depth counters, offering a marked improvement over manual methods.

2. Comparison with Manual Reels

Traditional manual reels, which have been in use for centuries, require anglers to manually turn the handle to retrieve the line, a process that can be physically demanding.

Electric reels, on the other hand, provide a less strenuous alternative, particularly beneficial in deep water fishing or when engaging in lengthy battles with strong fish, as the motorized help significantly reduces the physical exertion required from the angler.

While manual reels are valued for the direct tactile feedback they provide, which many seasoned anglers feel allows for superior control over a catch, they are generally lighter and less complex. This simplicity translates to greater durability and easier maintenance.

However, with the evolving sophistication and dependability of electric reels, they are becoming an increasingly popular option for those who prefer efficiency and comfort during their fishing ventures.


Benefits of Using Electric Fishing Reels

Electric fishing reels offer a range of benefits that make them an appealing choice for both novice and experienced anglers, especially in scenarios that challenge the limitations of manual reels. Here are some of the key advantages of opting for an electric model:

1. Ease of Use for Beginners

One of the most significant benefits of electric fishing reels is their ease of use. For beginners, the learning curve of mastering a manual reel can be steep, especially when dealing with the complexities of line management and handling during a catch.

Electric reels simplify these processes through automated line retrieval, consistent spooling speed, and easy-to-manage controls. This automation allows new anglers to focus more on the experience of fishing itself rather than the mechanics, providing a more enjoyable and less frustrating introduction to the sport.

2. Efficiency in Deep-Sea and Saltwater Environments

Electric reels excel in deep-sea and saltwater fishing environments where the depth and the strength of ocean currents can make manual reeling strenuous and time-consuming.

With the capability to pull heavy loads and operate at great depths, electric reels ensure that anglers can target deep-water species like grouper and halibut with less physical effort.

The motorized assistance also helps in quickly adjusting the line as needed, keeping the bait in the optimal position to attract target species, which enhances overall fishing efficiency.

3. Better Suitability for Specific Fishing Types

Specific types of fishing, such as bottom fishing and trolling, benefit greatly from the use of electric reels.

In bottom fishing, the reel’s motor can maintain a constant tension on the line, essential for feeling the slightest nibbles from fish.

For trolling, electric reels provide the endurance needed to keep lures moving at consistent speeds over extended periods, which is crucial for attracting species such as tuna and marlin.

This not only increases the chances of a successful catch but also reduces the physical demand on the angler, allowing for longer and more productive outings.


How to Choose the Right Electric Reel

Selecting the right electric fishing reel can be daunting for both beginners and seasoned anglers. Understanding the key features and factors that differentiate various models is crucial. Here are some essential aspects to consider when choosing an electric reel that meets your needs:

1. Factors to Consider

Electric reels operate on batteries, and the choice between built-in and replaceable batteries is significant.

Built-in batteries offer convenience and are typically rechargeable via USB, making them easy to charge. Replaceable batteries, on the other hand, can be swapped out on the go, which is useful for long fishing trips where charging facilities may not be available.

Consider your typical fishing duration and accessibility to power sources when choosing the battery type.


Power Source

The drag system is a critical feature of any fishing reel, providing the resistance needed when a fish takes the line.

Look for a reel with a smooth and reliable drag system that can handle the maximum weight of the species you are targeting.

Electric reels with adjustable drag settings allow you to fine-tune the resistance based on the fishing conditions and the fish’s strength.


Drag System

This refers to the amount of fishing line that the reel can hold, which is particularly important in deep-sea fishing.

Larger capacity allows for deeper and more extensive fishing, enabling you to reach depths where some of the most sought-after game fish reside. Ensure the reel’s line capacity matches your fishing environment’s needs.


Line Capacity

The marine environment can be harsh, with saltwater posing a significant threat to the integrity of fishing gear.

Opt for electric reels made from corrosion-resistant materials such as high-grade aluminum or stainless steel.

A durable build not only extends the life of your reel but also ensures consistent performance under tough conditions.



2. Top Picks for Beginners

For beginners, choosing a reel that balances functionality with user-friendliness is key. Some recommended models and brands that are known for their reliability and ease of use include:

This series is renowned for its excellent electronic controls and robust construction, making it ideal for those new to electric reels.

Daiwa Seaborg Fishing Reel
Daiwa- TANACOM1000-Dendoh-Fishing- Reel

Daiwa offers compact designs with straightforward features, perfect for beginners looking to make a smooth transition to electric reels.

Known for their high power and moderate price point, Banax reels provide great value for newcomers.

Kaigen 1000 Electric Reel with Warranty

When selecting an electric fishing reel, consider these factors to ensure you get a model that enhances your fishing experience and suits your specific needs.

With the right reel, you can enjoy the benefits of advanced technology and a more productive time on the water.


Setting Up Your Electric Reel

Getting your electric fishing reel set up correctly is crucial for ensuring a successful and enjoyable fishing experience. Follow this simple step-by-step guide to install your reel on a rod, spool it with line, and adjust the initial settings for optimal performance.

1.Step-by-Step Installation on a Rod

Ensure your rod is compatible with your electric reel. It should be able to handle the reel’s weight and the type of fishing you plan to do.


Select the Right Rod

Open the reel seat on your rod by loosening the screws or clamps. Place the reel foot into the seat, ensuring it sits securely. Tighten the screws or clamps to secure the reel to the rod.

Electric reels with adjustable drag settings allow you to fine-tune the resistance based on the fishing conditions and the fish’s strength.


Attach the Reel

Check that the reel is properly aligned with the guides on the rod. Proper alignment helps in smooth line flow and improved casting accuracy.


Align the Reel

2. Spooling the Reel with Line

Select a line appropriate for your target species and environment. For deep-sea fishing, a durable braided line is often recommended.


Choose the Right Line

Start by running the end of your line through the rod’s guides, beginning from the tip down to the reel.


Thread the Line

Use an arbor knot or another suitable knot to secure the line to the spool. Make sure it’s tight and secure.


Attach the Line to the Reel

Hold light tension on the line with your fingers as you activate the reel’s motor to wind the line. Ensure the line is distributed evenly across the breadth of the spool.


Spool the Line Evenly

3. Initial Settings for Optimal Performance

Adjust the drag setting based on the typical size and strength of the fish you aim to catch. This prevents the line from breaking under strain.


Set the Drag

If your reel features a digital depth counter, set it according to the depths you plan to fish at.


Program the Depth Counter

Make a few test casts to ensure everything is set up correctly. Adjust the tension and speed settings as needed.


Test the Settings

With these steps, your electric reel is ready to go. Proper setup not only enhances your fishing efficiency but also helps in preventing equipment damage and line tangling, ensuring a smoother experience on the water.


Usage Tips for Beginners

Using an electric fishing reel effectively involves more than just setting it up and letting it run. Here are some practical tips on how to cast with an electric reel, adjust settings based on different fishing conditions, and avoid common mistakes that could hinder your success on the water.

1. How to Cast with an Electric Reel

Ensure your line is free of tangles and that the lure or bait is securely attached. Check that the line is not wrapped around the tip of the rod or any of the guides.


Prepare for the Cast

Before casting, make sure the drag is set correctly—not too tight, as it needs to allow the line to flow freely from the spool during the cast.


Check the Drag


Use the Right Technique

Hold the rod at about waist level, aiming towards your target area. If your reel has a casting button, press it to release the line; otherwise, you might need to manually disengage the line. Use a smooth, forward motion to cast, releasing the button or engaging the reel as the rod reaches a vertical position.

2. Adjusting Settings Based on Fishing Conditions

Use the reel’s programmable settings to change the depth according to where the fish are biting. Many electric reels have built-in memory functions to save your most successful settings.


Depth Adjustments

Adjust the retrieval speed based on the type of lure and the behavior of the fish. Slower speeds can be more effective for certain lures, while faster speeds may be necessary when trying to entice more aggressive fish.


Speed Variations

Be mindful of changes in weather and water conditions. Higher currents or stronger winds might require adjustments in your drag or depth settings to maintain control and effectiveness.


Weather and Water Conditions

3. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Always check your battery level before heading out. Running out of power during a fishing trip can turn an otherwise successful day into a frustrating experience.


Ignoring Battery Life

Avoid using line or bait that exceeds the specifications of your reel. This can lead to equipment failure and lost catches.


Overloading the Reel

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial, especially after saltwater use. Salt can corrode and damage the internal components if not properly cleaned.


Neglecting Maintenance

Always have a backup plan, such as additional batteries or a manual reel, especially in unfamiliar or challenging environments.


Forgetting Backups

By following these tips, beginners can maximize their use of electric fishing reels and enjoy more productive and enjoyable fishing adventures.

Each outing is an opportunity to learn and refine your techniques, making every trip a step towards becoming an experienced angler.


Advantages Over Manual Reels

Electric fishing reels bring a technological edge to fishing that manual reels simply cannot match. These advancements translate into clear benefits in terms of effort, efficiency, and catch rate, particularly in scenarios where conditions are demanding or the fish are particularly challenging.

1. Direct Comparison

The most significant advantage of electric reels is the reduced physical effort required. While manual reels demand continuous cranking and physical stamina, especially when battling larger fish or during deep-sea fishing, electric reels automate much of this process. With just the push of a button, anglers can retrieve their line, making it easier to fish for longer periods without fatigue.





Electric reels are engineered for precision and control, which significantly enhances fishing efficiency. They are equipped with features like adjustable drag settings and programmable depth counters that allow anglers to maintain optimal line tension and accurately target specific depths. This precision helps in placing baits exactly where the fish are, improving the chances of a catch.

Due to their advanced features, electric reels often result in a higher catch rate, especially in challenging environments. The automation allows for quick adjustment to changing conditions, maintaining the effectiveness of the bait or lure, which can be critical during short biting windows.


Catch Rate

2. Scenarios Where Electric Reels Outperform Manual Ones


Deep-Sea Fishing

In deep-water settings, where large species like marlin and tuna are targeted, electric reels are invaluable. They can handle the heavy line needed for these fish and sustain the prolonged and intense battles these species are known for.

When the goal is to catch a large number of fish, such as during a commercial fishing expedition, electric reels provide the endurance and speed needed to operate efficiently, significantly outperforming manual reels.


High Volume Fishing

For those who may have physical limitations or prefer a less strenuous experience, electric reels offer an accessible way to enjoy fishing without the physical demands associated with manual cranking.


Physically Limited Anglers

Electric fishing reels represent a leap forward in fishing technology, providing clear advantages over manual reels that enhance the fishing experience across various scenarios.

Their ability to reduce effort, increase efficiency, and improve catch rates makes them a preferred choice for anglers looking to leverage modern technology for better results on the water.


FAQs: Electric Fishing Reels

Here are answers to some common questions newcomers might have about electric fishing reels, helping to clarify key points and ease the transition to this advanced fishing technology.

1. Are electric fishing reels difficult to use?

No, electric fishing reels are not difficult to use. In fact, they are designed to make fishing easier, especially for beginners. Most models come with user-friendly controls that automate many of the tasks involved in fishing, such as line retrieval. With basic setup and a few practice runs, most anglers quickly get accustomed to their operation.

2. How long does the battery last on an electric reel?

The battery life of an electric reel can vary widely depending on the model and usage. Generally, a fully charged battery should last for an entire day of fishing under normal conditions. It’s always a good idea to carry a spare battery or ensure your reel’s battery is fully charged before a long trip.

3. Can electric reels be used in both freshwater and saltwater?

Yes, most electric reels are suitable for both freshwater and saltwater fishing. However, it’s important to choose a reel that is specifically designed to resist corrosion typically caused by saltwater. After fishing in saltwater, always rinse your reel with fresh water to prevent salt buildup and corrosion.

4. What types of fishing are electric reels best suited for?

Electric reels are particularly effective for deep-sea fishing, trolling, and bottom fishing. They excel in scenarios where large or numerous fish are expected, and where manually handling the line would be physically demanding.

5. How do I maintain my electric fishing reel?

Regular maintenance of an electric fishing reel includes rinsing it with fresh water after each use, especially after saltwater exposure, checking for and cleaning any debris or salt from the moving parts, and lubricating it as recommended in the user manual. Also, keep the battery charged and stored according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

6. Are electric fishing reels more expensive than manual ones?

Yes, generally, electric fishing reels are more expensive than manual reels due to their advanced technology and additional features. However, the investment can be worthwhile for the ease of use, enhanced capabilities, and potential for a more successful fishing experience.


And In The End

As we’ve explored throughout this guide, electric fishing reels represent a significant advancement in the angling world, offering a blend of technological innovation and practical benefits that can transform your fishing experience. From reducing the physical effort required during a catch to enhancing the efficiency of your fishing trips, electric reels provide distinct advantages that are hard to overlook.

Recap of Benefits and Considerations

Electric fishing reels automate many of the manual tasks associated with traditional fishing, making them particularly beneficial for deep-sea and intensive fishing scenarios.

They allow anglers to maintain endurance during long battles with big fish and help in precisely targeting species at various depths.

However, these benefits come with considerations such as the initial cost, the need for regular maintenance, and the dependency on battery life. When choosing an electric reel, it’s important to consider these factors alongside the type of fishing you plan to do.

Encouragement to Try Electric Reels

For those new to fishing or looking to upgrade their gear, electric reels offer a compelling choice. They not only make the sport more accessible but also more enjoyable, especially for those who may have physical limitations or simply wish to focus more on the strategy and enjoyment of fishing, rather than the exertion it sometimes requires.

If you’re ready to enhance your fishing tactics and enjoy a more productive outing, consider giving electric fishing reels a try. They can open up new possibilities and experiences in the vast world of fishing. Explore the various models and find one that suits your needs and budget. Remember, the right gear can make all the difference in your fishing success.

Check out the latest electric fishing reels hereand discover how they can revolutionize your fishing adventures.